Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sony vaio pcg 71211m won't power on (can not open) - fix, repair

This is how i get rid of power on problem,  on a sony vaio pcg 71211m guide.

1. I disconnect all motherboard connections. I left only the power connection
2. Near the keyboard(switch - connector) on mainboard there is a smaller connector, in that connector we connect the power on button pcb (this pcb includes also three other buttons such as vaio button, web button, etc. and some leds such as num lock, caps lock etc).
3. Disconnect that cable and let the (switch-connector) free.
4. With a nippers or a cable make a bridge between pin 1 & pin12 (when you do that with the power connection active) you will see the battery led light up. That mean that the laptop powers on. In case that you don't see leds lighting up you may have other fault.
5. My problem was a short circuit either on the power-on pcb or in mainboard. I had no schema so to know have to power on the mainboard without active connections was really helpfull. I realized that my problem was on that pcb.
6. Now I should bypass the controller. I 'll make a new cable route between the power on button and (pin1, pin12)
7. The pcb would not work after bypass but it is meaningless because I want to make the laptop work again. and this is the way i can fix it. In other words power on button and caps lock lock - num lock leds would not be functional.
8. I solder a new cable with two wires direct onto the mainboard and the other side was connected in the power on button. This is a little bit difficult, but you can visit an electronicker.
9. Connect all other connections back again and then test all functionallities on laptop.

Bypass photos. After finishing the sticking of the objects (power-button) mainboard pins (pin1 & pin12)

I 'will post a new video on you tube. I will also post some photoes on this article.

Thank you  

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