Wednesday, March 16, 2016

SIM800L EVB - Arduino Nano Diagram - Alarm system

This is a cellular based alarm system. 

Basic specifications:
Once the magnetic reed sensor recognise intrusion, the alarm system sends sms or makes a call to a predifined cellphone number

The alarm system could be deactivated through a phonecall.
If you make a call to the alarm's cellphone-number, the alarm systen being inactive for five minutes and then return to an active status.
If you send an sms to the alarm system that contains the text / character 's'  (without:  '   ').
The system responds with the current alarm status (active/inactive)

More Details: 
This is the connection diagram of an arduino nano with the sim800 evb (gsm - gprs) module.
1 x Mini usb cable to give power to arduino nano
2 x 10k resistor
1 lx ed
1 x arduino nano microcontroller
1 x sim800l evb gsm/gprs module
1 x 3.7v li-ion battery
1 x step up controller
1 x magnet reed sensor

Download Code:
Click Here


  1. Thx for sketch. Working with Arduino Pro mini.

  2. Broq tis project can work with arduino uno?????

  3. Trying it with Arduino Nano Clone with ATMega328P and a SIM800L module.

    Getting following Errors when uploading the sketch:

    \Documents\Arduino\sim800l_alarm\mygsm_new4\mygsm_new4.ino: In function 'void loop()':

    \Documents\Arduino\sim800l_alarm\mygsm_new4\mygsm_new4.ino:95:47: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

    sendAlarmStatus("Alarm Active");


    \Documents\Arduino\sim800l_alarm\mygsm_new4\mygsm_new4.ino:100:49: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

    sendAlarmStatus("Alarm Inactive");

    \Documents\Arduino\sim800l_alarm\mygsm_new4\mygsm_new4.ino:112:42: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

    sendAlarmStatus("Alarm Deactivated");

    \Documents\Arduino\sim800l_alarm\mygsm_new4\mygsm_new4.ino:142:31: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

    sendAlarmStatus("Falle zu");


    Help needed.

    TX in before

  4. Solved, downgrade to arduino IDE 1.65 was a solution.

  5. How is arduino getting supply voltage??

    1. Hi, in test mode via the usb 5v power, then after, in reality mode you must connect the 5v from the sim800 to the 5v input of the Arduino.

  6. Hi, thanks for this tutorial.
    I used the same Arduino Nano, but the serial monitor is not responding for debugging. Alarm works, that's all.
    Could you help me with that ?

  7. Original Arduino Nano and serial works.
    But now, i don't understand the phone number being used in the register. Still characters only matching 2 or 3 from the required 10. What to do then ?

  8. This is wery cool, thanks. I'm working whit system to my car wich also cheks car's battery level. This is big help in that process.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


  10. hi i need help
    how to add another number?
    Call number 1 and then number 2

  11. Thank you
    the alarm working perfect with my arduino nano and sketch dont have errors
