Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Arduino relay, control 220v devices code and hardware(circuit diagram)

At the first part of the video (Part-A), I will explain each line of the small code.
At the second part of the video (Part-B) I will build the hardware.

I  build a solution to power on a water pump(or other 220v devices) when there is water overflow.
You can do it to power on other AC (220V) appliances such as Lights, TVs, etc.

Part-A (Code explanation).

Video link for Part-A below this line:

Download code here: Download link
or copy the code unter this line:

#define relay1 4             //Defines pin 4
#define relay2 7             //Defines pin 7         
#define sensor 2          //Define sensor pin 2 (input pin)
#define alwaysHigh 10     //gives 5v to the sensor
//#define ledPin 8 

int sensorState=0;    //keeps the reading of sensor pin 2 (high or low)
int flag=0;     // Takes values 0 or 1. When the sensorState changes.

void setup() {
 // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

    //pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);  // Set the LED pin as output
    pinMode(sensor, INPUT);     // Set the Sensor pin as input
    pinMode(relay1, OUTPUT);     
    pinMode(relay2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode (alwaysHigh, OUTPUT);   //5V sourch, gives power to sensor
    digitalWrite(relay1, !(LOW));  //OFF
    digitalWrite(relay2, !(LOW));  //OFF
    digitalWrite(alwaysHigh, HIGH); //ON

    Serial.println("Relay-1 is OFF");
    Serial.println ("Relay-2 is OFF");

void loop() {
    sensorState= digitalRead(sensor);
    if (sensorState == HIGH) {               // check if the sensor is in water(short circuit)
      digitalWrite(relay1, !(HIGH));                  // turns Relay1 ON
      digitalWrite(relay2, !(HIGH));                  // turns Relay2 ON
      if (flag==0){
        Serial.println("relays are now ON");
      digitalWrite(relay1, !(LOW));             // turns Relay1 OFF                       
      digitalWrite(relay2, !(LOW));             // turns Relay2 OFF
      if (flag==1){
        Serial.println("relays are now OFF");
} //loop end bracket

Part-B (Hardware)

Video link for Part-B below this line:

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